It is our intention to make our Woodland Daycare genuinely accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. 

In order to accomplish this we will: 

  • We will place notices advertising our nursery in places where all sections of the community can see them, in more than one language if appropriate in order to make our existence widely known by the local community. 

  • Describe the Woodland Daycare and its practices in terms which make it clear that it welcomes both fathers and mothers, other relations and Carers, including child-minders, and people from all cultural, ethnic, religious and social groups, with and without disabilities. 

  • Ask parents/carers to fill out a waiting list form as place are allocated according to children’s date of birth with eldest child called first. 

  • Monitor the gender and ethnic background of children joining the group to ensure that no accidental discrimination is taking place. 

  • Make our Equal Opportunities Policy widely known and implemented. 

  • Consult with families about the opening and closing times of the nursery to avoid excluding anyone. 

  • Abide by Luton Borough Council’s funding eligibility and only allow up 10 days off, throughout the academic year.  

  • Continue to consult service users to ensure that the group goes on meeting the changing needs of the local community. 

  • All funded hours stated above are subject to availability within the setting at that present time. 

Undertake a comprehensive induction procedure with all parents/carers of child/ren joining our nursery to ensure we have accurate information relating to children’s background. 

Woodland Daycare is open to every family in the community regardless of social background, race, culture or religious beliefs etc. The waiting list is operated in a date of birth order, oldest child first. Families joining the provisions are made aware of our equal opportunities policy, which is regularly reviewed. If your child has special needs they will be given priority on the waiting list.