At Woodland Daycare we recognise parents as first and continual educators of their child. Parents are usually the first to identify and raise concerns about their child’s development. With this in mind we have a five stage process to aid early intervention.

June of each cohort year

  1. Induction Evening – Parents attend an Induction Evening before their child starts nursery. Our Inclusion Officer meets parents and outlines her role, she invites parents to meet and discuss any anxieties however slight about their child.

July – August of each cohort year

  1. The Inclusion Officer attends all home visits if a concern has been raised. This gives the Inclusion Officer an opportunity to meet the child. Parents can speak openly in the privacy of their home.  If a significant need is identified a transition in meeting is arranged, attended by the family, the inclusion coordinator and any outside Special Educational Needs advisors.

September of each cohort year

  1. Baselining each child on entry – This starting point helps us to assess a child’s developmental stage and needs. It aids individual planning, to highlight the next step of development that needs to be supported. We understand that when young children are transitioning into nursery they sometimes display different characteristics. We help children to understand what is expected of them, appropriate to their developmental stage.

Outside Agency Support

  1. Concerns raised by parents or nursery practitioners may need specialist assistance. With full parent consent outside agencies can help guide and support all concerned. Early intervention is the key to supporting children with additional needs.

Sustaining & Nurturing

  1. As partners with parents we share home and nursery logs, assist child and family with a step by step programme of teaching tasks and provide quality resources. As children begin to transition on to school our staff accompany parents to view the new school and can aid interpretation as needed. This enables families to make informed choices for their child when choosing schools that best suit their needs. A transition meeting is arranged to discuss the child’s needs with the new school, the family and inclusion coordinator.