• A child is entitled to work in an atmosphere of friendship and trust.
  • Where others hold each child in high regard.
  • Where adults ensure that time is given to foster the development of considerate and caring relationships amongst peer group and adults.
  • Where the development of positive self-esteem is fostered through recognition and achievement.
  • To engage in activities that is meaningful, worthwhile, motivating, enjoyable and a challenge.
  • To investigate and make informed choices from a carefully selected range of resources.
  • To record their work in a variety of ways and to reflect on the quality of their work.
  • In an environment that is attractive, comfortable and organised and which uses the pre-school and the local community as an education source.
  • Early childhood is valued in it as itself and as part of life, not simply a preparation for work or for the next stage of education.
  • The whole child is important: – social. Emotional, physical, intellectual and moral development is interrelated.
  • Learning is holistic and for the young child is not compartmentalized under the subject head.
  • Intrinsic motivation is valuable because of it results in child-initiated learning.
  • Autonomy and self-discipline are emphasized.
  • In the early years, children learn best through first-hand experience.
  • What children can do, not what they cannot do, is the starting point in children’s education.
  • There is potential in all children, which emerges under favorable conditions.
  • The child’s education is seen as an interaction between the child and the environment, which includes people as well as materials and knowledge