Settling in Policy

We want children to feel safe, secure and happy in the absence of their parents, to recognise other adults as a source of authority, support, friendship and to be able to share with their parents/carers their personal learning experiences enjoyed at Woodland Daycare. We want parents/carers to recognise the nursery as a welcoming, friendly and approachable provision working with parents/carers to create a secure attachment with other adults during the settling in process.

In order to accomplish this, we aim to create a partnership with parents in the following ways:

  • By creating opportunities for the exchange of information, using among other resources a copy of the nursery prospectus and a shared approach to the registration form.


  • By ensuring plentiful opportunities for parents to inform the Nursery about their children’s current achievements and interests by holding regular Parents and Carers meeting.


  •   By encouraging parents to visit the nursery with their children during the week before an admission is planned.
  • By introducing flexible admission procedures, if appropriate, to meet the needs of individual families and children.
  • By making clear to families from the onset that they will be welcome and supported at the nursery for as long as it takes to settle their child there.
  • By reassuring and supporting parents whose child seems to be taking a long time settling at the nursery.
  • By introducing new families into the group on a staggered basis, one child per keyworker per session.
  • By encouraging parents, where appropriate, to separate from their children for brief periods of time first, gradually building up to longer absences. I.e. Parents staying for one hour at first and gradually reducing their time.
  • Parents will be required to stay a minimum of one week. 
  • By holding coffee mornings/afternoons regularly at least once a term.
  • Were possible we also carry out home visits prior to the child starting here with us, to ensure a smooth and comfortable transition takes place.
  • Policy & Procedures meeting for parents.


Children cannot play or learn successfully if they are anxious and insecure. Our settling procedures aim to help parents/carers and children to feel comfortable in the nursery and to ensure that children benefit from what the provision has to offer and feel confident that their parents/carers will return at the end of the session/day.